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Kandice Raley

Office Manager, Personal Lines

Kandice Raley

Kandice Raley

CURRENT CITY: Evansville, IN

About Kandice:

  • How do you want to be remembered?
    As someone who was helpful. Someone who stands up for what I believe in, even if I’m the only one standing.

  • When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?
    EVERYTHING! Literally I wanted to be a scientist and an astronaut and a dancer and a singer.

  • Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about you?
    I can play guitar, piano, and sing. None of them at an advanced/professional level.

  • Who do you admire and why?
    My Mom! Throughout my entire life she has shown me that no matter how bad it gets, there is a way to make it better if you want it bad enough. She taught me how to work hard, and give my best in everything I do.

  • Name three words that best describe you.
    Intelligent, organized, quick-witted

  • What are you happiest doing when you are not at work?
    Spending time with my son and his dad!

  • What would your personal motto be?
    “What you permit, you promote.” Meaning, if you allow something to happen to you, it will continue to happen to you.

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